The Invisalign Process Explained

Invisalign-upgraded-Richmond-VA Gardner & La Rochelle Orthodontics in Richmond, VA

Are you considering Invisalign clear aligners? As an alternative to traditional braces, Invisalign is becoming increasingly popular with adults and teens.  Invisalign is a clear, custom-made aligner, used to move and align teeth for better health and a great smile. It is changed approximately every two weeks for about six to 18 months, depending upon the severity of […]

Dr. Gardner Wins Top 10 In National Invisalign Competition

Dr Gardner at Gardner & La Rochelle Orthodontics in Richmond, VA

Gardner Orthodontics is pleased and proud to announce that Dr. Graham Gardner has been nationally recognized for his outstanding work with Invisalign in a national Invisalign competition. Dr. Gardner won this recognition during the national Invisalign Complex Case Shoot Out, which takes place annually during the Invisalign Ortho Summit. The Summit is an annual training and education seminar […]